Effective Treatment for Skin & Nail Conditions in Commerce Twp, MI
Are your feet looking a little worse for wear these days? You’re not alone. Our feet and toenails are subject to a lot of abuse on a day-to-day basis. They spend a lot of time trapped in sweaty shoes (that may or may not fit just right). They deal with pressure, weight, friction, and impact forces constantly. And the combined result of all these factors is skin and nail problems that can be unsightly at best and damaging at worst.
Skin and nail conditions aren’t just surface problems—they matter to you. Plus, they can often either be the first step toward a bigger problem or evidence that there’s already something more serious going on behind the scenes. At Lakes Foot and Ankle Associates, we can help you restore a healthy, clear, smooth shine to your toenails and skin in a judgment-free zone.

Common Skin & Toenail Problems We Treat
From the most common issues like fungal toenails to specialized help managing conditions like eczema and psoriasis, Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates is your partner in skin care for your feet. Fungal nails, ingrown toenails, and plantar warts are three of the most common conditions we see patients for, but we have numerous treatment options for all kinds of conditions. If it bothers you, we have a solution.
With clinical-strength foot soaks, advanced dietary supplements, the latest laser technology for fungal and viral issues, and so much more, we have an arsenal of tools at our disposal to restore healthy feet. We know how stubborn these issues can be, so we’ve dedicated ourselves to discovering the most effective treatments.
Don’t waste time and money on ineffective drugstore creams and wart removers. Get to the root of the problem with help from our expert podiatrists. You’ll look better, feel better, be better protected against injury and infection—and you’ll feel confident to head out to the beach in your sandals!
Other Skin & Toenail Problems We Can Help With
- Black/bruised toenails
- Cracked heels
- Dermatitis
- Eczema
- Puncture wounds
- Ulcers
- Nail or skin psoriasis
- Melanoma
- Brittle nails
- More!
When to See a Podiatrist About Skin & Toenail Issues
If anything looks unsightly or feels uncomfortable with your feet, skin, or nails, you can trust the podiatrists at Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates to help. Even seemingly cosmetic issues can cause pain, itching, and frustration that you shouldn’t have to deal with. Plus, by treating fungal and viral conditions early, you prevent their spread to other members of your household and community (especially if you like to frequent gyms, pools, or spas).
We combine traditional treatments with cutting-edge advancements for total recovery. From debridement and topical medications to laser therapy, we can tackle the issues quickly, effectively, and without damage to surrounding tissues. Let’s take care of the problem once and for all and get you back to doing the things you love in confidence.
Skin & Nail FAQs
Athlete’s foot is an uncomfortable, scaly, itchy red rash that forms on the skin of your feet, most often along the bottom and side of the foot or between the toes. It is caused by the same types of fungi that also cause ringworm, jock itch, and fungal toenails, which means it can easily spread to other areas of the body.
Most cases of athlete’s foot do not respond well to over-the-counter topical antifungal creams and sprays because they aren’t strong enough to kill the fungus. At Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates, we have fungicidal products at the office and provide the guidance you need to rid yourself and your home of this tenacious infection.
These related conditions are what happens when your skin tries to protect itself from a source of either extreme or repetitive pressure and friction. The best way to deal with corns and calluses over the long term is to identify the source of pressure or friction that caused them in the first place and then eliminate it. Often that means a better pair of shoes and even orthotics to help alleviate pressures.
However, corns or calluses that won’t go away or are causing discomfort should be checked out. At Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates, we can help you thin and manage them in a safe environment and show you how to keep them from coming back.
Calluses are wide, flat areas of hardened skin that typically build up in weight-bearing spots. Corns are simply cone-shaped calluses and are more likely to be painful and show up in places like the toes (including between the toes).
Learn More About the Most Common Skin & Nail Conditions
Refresh, Renew, & Revitalize Your Feet
If you’re facing unsightly or uncomfortable issues with your skin or toenails, it doesn’t have to be a fact of life. No matter how stubborn these issues can be, hope is out there. With the latest technologies and podiatrists committed to helping you live confidently, you can once again have healthy feet you can feel proud of.
Don’t let fungal nails, plantar warts, or other foot conditions hold you back. Call (248) 360-3888 today to schedule your appointment, or contact us online!