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Safer Spring Training: How to Avoid Common Sports Injuries

As the weather warms and the days grow longer, athletes and casual exercisers here in Commerce Township are warming up, too. After months spent mostly indoors, doing our best to stave off seasonal affective disorder, the prospect of a walk, jog, bike ride, or hike means the world to us. So the last thing you want to do is bench yourself with one of the more common sports injuries before the season is even in full swing.

Even a pick-up game of basketball or some flag football in the park with friends can make us feel as if we’re blooming in sync with the natural world. But if we rush out to exercise too quickly, we may wind up back inside recovering on our couch before the fun really begins.

How to Avoid Common Sports Injuries 

At Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates, we can’t wait for spring weather to settle in, but we also know how quickly foot and ankle injuries can put you on the sideline. As the whole of Michigan comes back to life, consider these common sports injuries and the steps you can take to avoid them as you emerge again and get moving!

Ankle Sprain

What it is:

After months indoors, we’re not always as limber as we feel. Ankle sprains occur when a rolling or twisting motion causes ligaments in our ankles to over-stretch or tear. Swelling, pain, and a limited range of motion generally result. As one of the most common sports injuries we see, it’s important to have them treated properly and quickly.

How to Prevent it:

To prevent ankle sprains, make sure to warm up thoroughly before exercising. Stretching, light footwork, and even an ankle brace (if you’re prone to strains) can keep you active long into the spring and summer months!

Plantar Fasciitis

What it is:

Much like a wishbone suspension in a car, your foot absorbs horizontal forces through the plantar fascia—a band of tissue connecting your heel bone to the base of your toes. Repeated, forceful impacts (stepping, jumping) can cause small tears in this tissue, leading to stabbing pain in the heel that is usually worse in the morning.

How to Prevent it:

For preventing plantar fasciitis, proper footwear is key. Old, worn, deflated sneakers don’t provide as much support as they once did. By choosing an appropriate (and relatively new) pair of athletic shoes, you can give your feet the extra support they need to handle impacts. Here again, stretching the arch of your feet beforehand can also pay dividends.


What it Is:
Tendonitis (or tendinitis), like any condition ending in -itis, is an inflammatory condition. It’s what happens when one of the tendons in your foot or ankle becomes inflamed and swells up. It can cause pain and stiffness, quickly interfering with your spring training or daily exercise.

You have two tendons in your foot: one on the outside that attaches to your pinky toe, and one along the bottom that attaches to your arch. You also have a posterior tibial tendon, which attaches the bones of your foot to your calf muscle, and the well-known Achilles tendon, which connects your heel and calf. Any of these may become inflamed due to repetitive overuse or injury—both very common in sports.

How to Prevent it:
Because tendontis often occurs due to repetive motions, be sure to warm up properly with stretches and take breaks every half hour or so whenever possible. It’s also important to pay close attention to your form. Learn the best postures and positions for your sport to prevent awkward sprains and strains. And finally, always wear the right sized shoes and equipment!

For Everything Else, There’s Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates!

The list of sports-related foot and ankle injuries is, unfortunately, extensive. Achilles tendon trauma, stress fractures, and neuritis are also common, especially in springtime bloomers who’ve spent months in the warmth of their homes.

As the weather improves (a little too slowly for our tastes, anyway), be sure to wear proper footwear, stretch before exercising, and always listen to your feet and ankles. If you start to feel the effects of repeated impacts to the balls, heels, or toes of your feet, take a break! Overdoing it today could quickly mean resting against your will for the next 4-6 weeks.

For unexplained pain, a limited range of motion, or any other unfortunate side effect of exercise, there’s Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates in Commerce Township, MI. Let us diagnose your ankle or foot pain so that you can get back to enjoying the weather!

Stay Healthy & Stay Active Long into the Summer Months with Sports Injury Treatment!

It’s all too easy to take movement and exercise for granted in the warmer months. But after snow, wind chill, and frost, we’re champing at the bit to get back out there for a little fun! Take it easy this spring and make sure to warm up thoroughly before any sport or exercise. If you experience any foot or ankle pain, get it taken care of so that you get back out there. Call Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates today at (248) 360-3888 or request an appointment online!


It’s Time To Leave Foot & Ankle Pain Behind!

Monday8:30am – 5:00pm
Tuesday9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday8:30am – 5:00pm
Thursday9:00am – 6:00pm
Friday7:30 am – 4:00pm
Saturday– Closed –
Sunday– Closed –


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