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Types of Fungal Foot Infections & How to Treat Them

A man is examining his bare feet for signs of fungal infection with his black sneakers next to them.

Affecting about 15% of the world’s population, fungal infections are one of the most common foot conditions. These conditions can be uncomfortable to the point of affecting your daily routine and overall self-esteem. 

At Lakes Foot & Ankle in Commerce Township, MI, we have experience treating fungal infections and other foot conditions. We’ve compiled some information about these types of infections to help you manage them. 

Types of Fungal Infections That Affect the Feet

Fungal infections most often result from the growth of microorganisms that thrive in warm, moist environments. They can take several forms and can affect any part of the body. Types of fungal infections that commonly affect the feet include:

Athlete’s Foot

Also known as tinea pedis, athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that typically occurs between the toes and along the bottom of the foot. Highly contagious, it easily spreads through contact with affected individuals or materials. 

The fungus that causes this condition thrives in warm, damp environments like locker rooms, spas, and swimming pools, which is why it is common among athletes and others who are more physically active. Symptoms of athlete’s foot include: 

  • Scaly rash
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Peeling
  • Blisters

Our podiatrists can guide you toward effective treatment if you notice any of these symptoms. 

Toenail Fungus

Fungal infection can also develop underneath your toenails. Caused by the same types of fungi that cause athlete’s foot, toenail fungus is highly contagious. It tends to thrive in warm, moist, and dark places. Symptoms of toenail fungus include:

  • Toenail discoloration
  • Thickening toenails 
  • Odor
  • Pain in the affected area 

Fungal toenail infections can be challenging to treat due to many factors. We recommend you consult with a podiatrist as soon as you notice any of the above symptoms. 

Tips on How to Prevent Fungal Infections 

While genetics or certain health conditions, like diabetes, can make one prone to infections in the feet, fortunately, most fungal infections are preventable. By following these steps, you can prevent the development of these conditions: 


Proper hygiene can prevent infection. In addition to washing your feet daily, make sure to change your socks multiple times a day, especially if you have sweaty feet. Also, consider using antifungal powders or sprays. 

Wear Proper Footwear

As fungal infections spread through surfaces, avoid going barefoot in public places. Also, be sure to wear well-fitting footwear, as tight shoes can create an ideal environment for fungi to grow. We also recommend patients regularly clean their shoes

Avoid Contact With Affected Items

Do not share clothing, shoes, towels, or other items with an affected person, as these items can easily spread fungal infections. 

How to Treat Fungal Infections 

While you can manage mild fungal infections at home, it is best to consult with our podiatrists for more effective treatment of more severe cases. We can assess the underlying causes of your infection and create a treatment plan, which may include: 


Over-the-counter antifungal treatments are typically very ineffective for treating fungal infections. At Lakes Foot and Ankle Associates, we offer patients the most effective topical medications available on the market to help manage their fungal issues. By utilizing medications that take care of the environment your feet live in, such as your shoes or socks, skin, and nails, we’re able to help you more effectively get rid of fungal issues.

Laser Treatment

In the case of certain types of fungal infections, laser treatments may be needed. One such treatment is the Cutera GenesisPlus laser treatment for toenail fungus. This procedure is relatively painless and takes less than 15 minutes To determine if you are a candidate for this type of laser therapy, consult with our podiatrists. 

Therapeutic Foot Soak

A therapeutic foot soak can also be a powerful option to treat fungal infections and promote skin barrier health so you’re not at risk later for re-infection. Using a concentrated formula that cleanses, protects, and moisturizes, this treatment penetrates deep into the skin on your feet and toenails for total rejuvenation. As with any medicated foot soak, consult your podiatrist before pursuing this option. 

Find Treatment for Fungal Infections at Lakes Foot & Ankle

If you notice signs of a fungal infection on your feet or toenails, consider scheduling a consultation at Lakes Foot & Ankle Associates. Our team specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections and other types of foot conditions. 

We can create a treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your infection and prevents it from coming back. To get started, call our office in Commerce Township, MI, at (248) 453-2288 or contact us online to schedule an appointment. 

Effective Fungal Infection Treatment at Lakes Foot & Ankle 

When you have a fungal infection, you want to find treatment that will stop the discomfort. If home remedies are not working as expected, seek support from a podiatrist who specializes in treating fungal infections like those at Lakes Foot & Ankle in Commerce Township, MI. For more information about our fungal infection treatments, call (248) 453-2288 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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